Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Created some wallpapers for Nokia N900 .. they seem to have come out very well. Get the full image by click on the above thumbnails, they are of size 3200 x 480 ... split them to 800 x480 and you will have a set of panoramic wallpapers.

Karmic Koala and ATI Graphics Driver

Yesterday, my Ubuntu 9.10 machine suddenly started complaining about display settings at startup. This happened after a recent update to Karmic koala. Because of this issue, my X would default to low resolution settings.

I looked it up on the net and found out that there support for some of the older ATI cards is missing in the latest official drivers. I have an ATI 2400 XT. After quite a bit of googling around, i found the solution. I had to install open-source drivers. The installation instructions were found here,

Note: at the end of everything, if u r still facing issues, delete the xorg.conf file and reboot

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dell Media Direct Button

if u ever accidentally press the Dell Media Button (the button next to the Power button) on your laptop or desktop, and your system stops booting your OS, then don't panic. Just power off your system and press the Dell Media Button (it has the symbol of a home) again. This button toggles between Dell Media Software and your OS.

I came to know this the hard way.